Gassy Games Apps

Bazooka Trooper 1.0
Gassy Games
W.A.R Corp is a evil militia bent onworlddomination.They have taken control of all the great cities of the world.The citizens suffered much. Then a trooper appeared, ABazookaTrooper.Use your trooper to gain control and liberate the greatcities.Pound W.A.R Corp into submission with your sexy babe powerbazooka!Features:High quality graphics.Non stop action.Explosive game play.Impressive music and sound effects.
I Need Power Rent Is Too High 2.5
Gassy Games
Kim is late on her rent. Her landlord,Miss.K.Owants it now and will cause great bodily harm to Kim ifshe does notpay up. Help Kim get stronger so she has a fightingchance.Features intense action between Kim and the landlord.Awesome music and dbz effects!Sexy hot CharactersAwesome graphicsBikini girls